Hope & Heroes funds life-saving research, treatment, and care for children with cancer and blood disorders throughout the NY, NJ, CT tri-state region. We provide broad funding for all aspects of pediatric cancer research and care through a groundbreaking consortium of seven top-flight medical centers in our region—Columbia University Irving Medical Center, Montefiore, Memorial Sloan Kettering, Northwell, NYU, Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson, and Yale Medicine.
With over 100 physician-scientists and clinicians, these partners account for approximately 8% of all new childhood cancer cases in the U.S. annually. We’re committed to ensuring every child with cancer or blood disorder has access to the best possible care—right where they live—because all kids deserve to lead healthy lives and reach their fullest potential.
Your donation will help us save lives and advance new treatment approaches in the fight against childhood cancer. There are several ways to support our cause: • Make a direct donation • Host a Friend-raiser • Partner with us through corporate and workplace giving • Attend our annual events Visit hopeandheroes.org/give to learn more.